Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Projectile Point Types and Lithic Types

Stories Past is pleased to announce a new research module prepared for the Virginia Department of Historic Resources at

From the DHR web site:
“Projectile Point Types and Lithic Types. Using Adobe Flash, this interactive module provides information and stunning images of 44 projectile point types applicable to Virginia, and 47 lithic types from Virginia and surrounding states. The point types may be sorted by time period and general shape. A timeline chart further enhances the ability to envision point relationships. The lithics may be sorted by type of stone or by general location. A Google map presents the lithic-type locations. Reference and publication sections are included in the module.”
Stories Past president Mark Freeman stated “The project gave us a change to explore Google maps, which have huge potential. Using easily updateable XML files we were also able to provide a Flash version and text version, compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act.”

Stories Past has created a range of interactive digital exhibit, education and research projects and web sites. Please contact us about how we can help you.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Stories Past part of TAM award

The Tennessee Association of museums meeting (TAM) reminded me that I really need to spend more time in Chattanooga. Conference attendees saw some great African art at the African American museum and had plenty of fun at the Children's museum. Give adults freedom from the watching eyes of children and they will bang instruments with the best of them. I was taken by the application that took your picture and then showed it back to you in different art styles – very clever.

The conference highlight had to be the exhibit award for the Oak Ridge Children’s Museum. Stories Past was very happy to be part of exhibit and pleased at our first Tennessee recognition.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Conference thoughts

Just back from the CAA conference and thinking about the people I've met over the last week at TAM VAM and CAA. Many thoughts, that I'll try and tease out over the next few weeks, but thanks to everyone who stopped by the Stories Past booth at TAM and VAM, and to the folks at CAA who fired my creative juices.

Time to sleep, and think of hovering slowly over the earth peering into every field, flying through the Swiss mountains and throwing down memory markers for myself and friends .... wait that's Google Earth.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


It's that time of year. Stories Past exhibited at the Society for Historical Archaeology in January (love those Canadian conferences) and now we are facing a busy Spring.
March 18-20 Tennessee Association of Museum in Chattanooga. Please visit the booth.
March 22-24 Virginia Association of Museum in Virginia Beach. Again, please come visit.
March 22-26 Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Just attending this one!
April 22-25 Society for American Archaeology in Atlanta. Lots of new archaeology installations to play with at the booth.